Espace de stockage privé à Aix en Provence centre. 30 box de 2m² pour ranger vos affaires qui vous encombrent. Video surveillance, diables professionnels, ventilation, pas d'humidité, ultra bien placé, dépose minute devant, acces biometrique 24/24. Inutile de sortir de la ville désormais.
You can access your box 24H/7.
The minimum booking period is 1 month.
After this period, you can end your contract at any time, in 1 click directly from your customer account.
Only 15 days notice is required.
The key is provided at the beginning of the contract.
Caution 78€ restituée à la fin de la durée de location
No debit on your credit card today.
Cancel for free or update your booking until 3 days before the beginning of the contract.
No debit on your credit card today.
Cancel for free or update your booking until 3 days before the beginning of the contract.
Pl. de Narvik, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France