Garage / Box, rue du stade, Limas (69400), rue calme pavillonnaire.
Idéal pour voiture et stockage divers,
Sur grand terrain de plain-pied, accès direct et facile 7/7j et 24/24h, grand espace de manœuvre, autoroute à 3 km, Villefranche-sur-Saône centre-ville à 2 km.
Pas de charges.
Au plus tard, 3 jours avant la remise de clé :
- Dépôt de garantie de 160 € par virement bancaire
- Copie pièce d’identité recto-verso
- Copie dernière facture d’énergie
You can access your box 24H/7.
The minimum booking period is 1 month.
After this period, you can end your contract at any time, in 1 click directly from your customer account.
Only 15 days notice is required.
The key is provided at the beginning of the contract.
No debit on your credit card today.
Cancel for free or update your booking until 3 days before the beginning of the contract.
No debit on your credit card today.
Cancel for free or update your booking until 3 days before the beginning of the contract.
Rue du Stade, 69400 Limas, France