Local 147m2 dans copropriété clos pour activité de stockage recommandée Sanitaire & toilette et & lave main eau et électricité lumière du jour plafond 1 bureau plus & débaras Activité automobile interdite libre de suite
The minimum booking period is 6 months.
After this period, you can end your contract at any time, in 1 click directly from your customer account.
Only 15 days notice is required.
The key is provided at the beginning of the contract.
Il faudra ajouter 100 de charges mensuels caution 883 €
The payment is made by credit card on Kostok.co.uk.
No debit on your credit card today.
Cancel for free or update your booking until 3 days before the beginning of the contract.
No debit on your credit card today.
Cancel for free or update your booking until 3 days before the beginning of the contract.
Rue François Foreau, Lucé